You don’t have to be a raging environmentalist to go green in your salon, and don’t worry it’s not about abandoning everything you currently do to go back to the drawing board and recreate your salon operations from the ground up. Nope, it’s just a matter of shifting the focus slightly and tweaking a few things here and there. A few seemingly insignificant changes to the way you run your salon will mean fewer trees are cut down, more oxygen for us, less pollution from the paper making machines, and less petrol used for the planes, trains and trucks, which take paper to the shops where you buy it—a cleaner, greener earth.

With Simple Salon, The Paperless Salon is easy to achieve, cost effective and very efficient. No paper means you save money, you free up space, there’s less clutter (having only your slick computer or tablet taking up residence on the front counter—no bulky printers), client information and histories are easier to look up, and all data is securely stored away and protected. It’s of great benefit to your clients too, most will embrace not being inflicted with an excessive onslaught of paper receipts, which more often than not go straight into the bin.

Making your salon paperless using Simple Salon…

Digital client histories—no need to print off client cards and client histories anymore as it takes only 2 clicks (or 2 taps if you’re using your tablet) to look up the clients’ last few appointments, including all history notes—click the clients name on their appointment, click Client History. Simple as that. Furthermore, having a tablet floating round your salon means that throughout the day you can add new history notes to clients’ current appointments. Take a few seconds to update as you go, rather than scribbling down notes on paper throughout the day then having to re-write them all in the system later.

Paper receipts are so 2015—this year take a moment to consider whether paper receipts are actually necessary… they’re kind of not right? Seeing that in your Simple Salon account you can have your clients’ receipts automatically emailed to them after their sale, why is it that we’re still printing them? It’s just one of those things we do, because we’ve always done it, but we don’t have to anymore. At the end of the clients sale let them know that their receipt has been emailed to them, you’ll be surprised at the number of people who are totally fine with that. Even tell them why—because your salon is making a conscious effort to not waste paper unnecessarily.

Knee deep in paper reports—be honest, hand up if you’re one of those people who likes to print stuff and staple the printed stuff to other printed stuff. It’s like that feeling you get when you’ve cleaned the house, you feel good because you ordered something and put it away neatly. I get it, I like that feeling too, but Simple Salon does all that for you, digitally. You don’t need to print your End Of Day Summary Report, then staple to it the EFTPOS machine settlement receipt, then put the papers into that file that you never read anyway. In Simple Salon all your reports, figures, daily takings etc are saved, stored, backed up, secured, filled away, ready to be retrieved anytime you want.

The scribbling down clients’ future appointments thing—the email receipt I talked about before is designed to include the clients’ future appointments on it. So you don’t have to write down clients’ future appointments on business cards anymore, let them know that they have been emailed their receipt and on it will be their future appointments. Why not, while you’re discussing with them their rebooked appointment, encourage them to pull out their phone and put it in their calendar. Then on top of that, your Simple Salon 1-Touch Marketing will send them their automatic reminder anyway, so they’ll be reminded in due time, to which they can reply and confirm.

The Paperless Salon—clean, green… fresh.

Click here to go green with Simple Salon today.