No more double entry with Simple Salon + Xero

At the end of each day, your sales figures are automatically sent from your Simple Salon account into your Xero account.

No more double entry with Simple Salon + Xero

At the end of each day, your sales figures are automatically sent from your Simple Salon account into your Xero account.

Simple Salon + Xero means less work for you

At the end of each day when you run the End Of Day process in Simple Salon your sales figures are automatically sent from Simple Salon to Xero.

No more double entry

There’s no need to manually enter transactions and sales figures into Simple Salon and then again into your accounting software. The Simple Salon and Xero integration means your figures are sent from Simple Salon into Xero automatically.

Log in anywhere anytime

Both Simple Salon and Xero are online which means you can securely log into both accounts anywhere, anytime, and from any computer, tablet or smartphone. Run your business from wherever you are.

Bespoke Reports

If you’re looking for salon accounting software that gives you tailored reports, Xero is the software for you. Customise your reports to match your business needs to gain a deeper understanding of your overall performance and your finances. 

Get Paid Faster

Looking to streamline your cash flow with salon accounting software at the helm? We’ve got you! Invoice clients, get automated reminders and ensure timely payments to your employees Xero is the perfect salon accounting software to streamline your finances.

Start using Xero with Simple Salon

Fill out the form below if you’d like to be contacted about setting up Xero and Simple Salon.

I consent to the collection of my personal information in accordance with Simple Salon’s Privacy Policy and I have read and I accept the terms of Simple Salon’s Privacy Policy
“General functions are easy to use, affordable and has pretty much everything I need. Easy to book and rebook clients, set up appointment reminders and add & change services.”
Sarah R, Business Owner

“General functions are easy to use, affordable and has pretty much everything I need. Easy to book and rebook clients, set up appointment reminders and add & change services.”
Sarah R, Business Owner