Simple Salon makes it super convenient for you to set up your marketing with its very own “To-Do List”, with 100% confidence that the work will get done without you lifting a finger. You may have heard of the phrase Set & Forget, this is essentially all you have to do. We call it 1-Touch Marketing, set it up once and you can get back to doing what you love.

The Simple Salon 1-Touch Marketing includes various automatic message types. You can set up automatic SMS and emails to send to your new and first time clients, as well as appointment reminders and birthday messages. Each of these options are designed to generate you more business by touching base with your clients to ensure they keep coming back.

One aspect of growing your business is as simple as wishing your clients a happy birthday with a special offer, reminding them of their next appointment to make sure you’re not missing out on business, and reaching out to new and first time clients to ensure that they leave with a great first impression. This is all a part of the essentials to growing a healthy business, and the real beauty is that the system does it all for you, simple.

The convenience of automation in action: your new client came in for their first appointment and they walked out of there with that fresh new hair feeling. Its been a couple of days and they’re still loving it – in fact they haven’t washed their hair yet in an attempt to keep that “yes my hair really does look that good” look. While they’re are still enjoying your handy work, “ding ding” they receive the automated First Visit SMS message from your salon…


You’ve struck while the iron is still hot and met them where they’re at – big tick. You’ve upped the chances that Barry will indeed book his next appointment with your salon. The story doesn’t end there though. In the lead up to your client’s next appointment, the system also knows to shoot through a reminder with a ‘Reply YES’ instruction so that the client can confirm their own appointment. Throughout this process, you haven’t had to think about any of it – Simple Salon is doing it all for you on a personalised one to one basis with each client.

Learn how to set up your Simple Salon automatic 1-Touch SMS & Email Marketing via the article link below:

Stay tuned for the next Simple Salon business series instalment – ‘Part 2. Increasing business profitability with the Simple Salon Marketing feature’ will be released on Tuesday 10th Feb.