Fall in love with
our new ‘look’
Fall in love with
our new ‘look’

A little more personality, a little more
spark, a little more razzamatazz

Now we know you love the features and functionality of Simple Salon, but maybe have been thinking it could do with a little spruce-up here and there?

Maybe Simple Salon is due a wax and polish? Or just some tender love and care.

Well, you’re right. We agree. It is time for Simple Salon to get a new style. Something fresh. Something clean. Something contemp-or-airy.

So we did it.

We gave the Simple Salon user interface, the whole look and feel of what you use to manage and grow your salon business every day, a major overhaul.

A whiz-bang upgrade.

A woah-baby, that’s what I’m talking’ about, click my fingers and snap my heels look!

Or, to put it in boring, business talk: ‘please be advised your user experience has been upgraded’.

At no extra charge 😉

Seriously, we’ve put a bunch of effort, time, head-scratching and technical meditation into evolving the Simple Salon user interface into a more intuitive, more productive and, therefore, more enjoyable experience.

And we’ve just gone live.

We think you’re gonna love it!

Watch this space for more exciting developments coming to the Simple Salon family.

Experience our new look today

our new
look today