A Powerful Salon Marketing Task You Can Complete In The Next 3 Mins

Salon Marketing, really, who has the time when you’re busy pampering clients? And where do you even start? Well, today we’ve done the thinking and hard work for you.

Today’s simple marketing task will only take you approximately 3 minutes to complete (yep, we timed it), yet it’s powerful enough to help you get more clients, more client loyalty and more gaps filled on your appointment page.

Send a personal thank you to your clients for the last person they referred

Thanking and rewarding your clients for their referrals strengthens client loyalty. Not only will the client who you’re thanking want to continue coming to you, they’ll keep telling their friends and family about your business because of the way you acknowledge and reward their efforts.

Okay, here we go—start the timer

To do this, pop over to your Marketing page, press Clients who referred someone, pick the date range from the right side panel, and Search. Once you’ve got your list, choose Send SMS or Send Email to send them all a message.

Personalise your message using the Last Client Referred tag (#LastReferred#). By adding this tag to an email or SMS, you can say a personal thank you to your clients for the specific person they referred. Show your appreciation with the mention of a reward, like a voucher, and then it’s ready to send.

Well done, you’ve completed today’s marketing task. Now you can get back to doing what you love.

To further speed things up, we’ve put together some wording for you which you’re welcome to copy and paste directly into the email or SMS.

“Thank You For Your Referral” – Email Template Wording:

Hi #ClientFirstName#,

We’d like to personally thank you for referring #LastReferred# to #CompanyName#. We appreciate your glowing recommendation and it was a wonderful compliment to hear how highly you regard our service.

To show our appreciation, we’d like to thank you with a $20 voucher. Simply show us this email at your next appointment to redeem your voucher.

We look forward to pampering you again soon and we will strive to continue to exceed your expectations.



Thank You For Your Referral – SMS Template Wording:

Hi #ClientFirstName#! Thank you so much for referring #LastReferred#. Show us this SMS for $20 off your next visit. Gratefully, #CompanyName#

(NOTE: Keep the SMS character count under 160 characters if you only want one SMS credit used per client. The SMS example above is currently 141 characters but will change slightly when the actual client name, last referred client name and company name is inserted into SMS).

A Powerful Salon Marketing Task You Can Complete In The Next 3 Mins

Salon Marketing, really, who has the time when you’re busy pampering clients? And where do you even start? Well, today we’ve done the thinking and hard work for you.

Today’s simple marketing task will only take you approximately 3 minutes to complete (yep, we timed it), yet it’s powerful enough to help you get more clients, more client loyalty and more gaps filled on your appointment page.

Send a personal thank you to your clients for the last person they referred

Thanking and rewarding your clients for their referrals strengthens client loyalty. Not only will the client who you’re thanking want to continue coming to you, they’ll keep telling their friends and family about your business because of the way you acknowledge and reward their efforts.

Okay, here we go—start the timer

To do this, pop over to your Marketing page, press Clients who referred someone, pick the date range from the right side panel, and Search. Once you’ve got your list, choose Send SMS or Send Email to send them all a message.

Personalise your message using the Last Client Referred tag (#LastReferred#). By adding this tag to an email or SMS, you can say a personal thank you to your clients for the specific person they referred. Show your appreciation with the mention of a reward, like a voucher, and then it’s ready to send.

Well done, you’ve completed today’s marketing task. Now you can get back to doing what you love.

To further speed things up, we’ve put together some wording for you which you’re welcome to copy and paste directly into the email or SMS.

“Thank You For Your Referral” – Email Template Wording:

Hi #ClientFirstName#,

We’d like to personally thank you for referring #LastReferred# to #CompanyName#. We appreciate your glowing recommendation and it was a wonderful compliment to hear how highly you regard our service.

To show our appreciation, we’d like to thank you with a $20 voucher. Simply show us this email at your next appointment to redeem your voucher.

We look forward to pampering you again soon and we will strive to continue to exceed your expectations.



“Thank You For Your Referral” – SMS Template Wording:

Hi #ClientFirstName#! Thank you so much for referring #LastReferred#. Show us this SMS for $20 off your next visit. Gratefully, #CompanyName#

(NOTE: Keep the SMS character count under 160 characters if you only want one SMS credit used per client. The SMS example above is currently 141 characters but will change slightly when the actual client name, last referred client name and company name is inserted into SMS).

“It’s extremely user friendly and affordable, the tech support is great. The team are always happy to help and there isn’t any extra frees for getting problems solved.”

Amanda F, Owner

“It’s extremely user friendly and affordable, the tech support is great. The team are always happy to help and there isn’t any extra frees for getting problems solved.”

Amanda F, Owner